I just found your web page, which I really enjoyed. It is an excellent
site. My
15 year old son and I started studying Aikido. I encouraged my son
to start because he was getting pushed around a lot, he no longer has such
problems. (His self-confidence has certainly developed.) So far we
have been studying for a year (but I think that we are hooked.)
I trained previously in Shotokan (many years ago) and always wished
to study a
softer art. Now we are kind of hooked. I find Aikido practice can be
a real
exercise in politeness, and the philosophy is a wonderful approach
to life.
It is great to see that there are quite a few Aikido schools in Israel.
It would
seem to be a great tool to bridge the gap between men. Aikido teaches
us to respect
all people, however its effectiveness is that it is practiced constantly,
physically as well as mentally, as an exercise - which makes it a part
of us.
Chag Kasher V'Sameach